what do i believe about birth?
birth is a normal physiological event.
Birth works best when left alone.
When pregnant people are free to move around and not confined to a bed or a monitor.
Free to eat and drink as needed.
Free to go inward without being bothered.
Free to roar like a lion without being silenced.
Variations of normal are not always risks.
Meconium in the waters.
Prolonged waters releasing.
Breech birth.
pregnant people are autonomous beings even in birth.
pregnant people have the right to informed consent and rights of refusal towards any procedure.
Even GBS testing or treatment.
Even Vit K.
Even if they are RH negative.
Even vaginal checks or heart tones with a doppler.
Every pregnant person should birth where and with whom they feel safest birthing.
That may be in the hospital with an OB or a CNM.
Or it may be at home or a birth center with a LM/CPM.
Doula or no doula.
It may even be free birthing at home with no medical professional present.
pregnant bodies are not broken.
Birth happens on it's own schedule.
There is no such thing as an overdue baby. Babies come when they are ready.
Most people do not dilate at one centimeter per hour.
Undisturbed birth may only take a few hours, but it also may take a few days.
vaginas are not vacuums. The best thing to do to minimize the risk of infection is keeping your hands out of her vagina.
Placentas can take upwards of an hour to release on their own.
Everyone, barring very rare circumstances and if given the correct support, can have physiological vaginal birth.
Teen parents.
Fat people.
whose who are of "advanced maternal age."
Whether or not they’ve had all their previous babies vaginally or have had all their previous babies via c-section.
trust your body. trust your baby. trust birth.