The Kindred feminine blog
unassisted birth: what is it, why i attend them, and why some people don’t want me to.
birth is political. there is no way around that truth and so having a conversation about unassisted birth really stirs up a lot of emotions. what i’m hoping for is as you read this, you’ll sit with the emotions that come up for you and you’ll do some reflection on how you got to the perspective you have.
Tamara the Birth Doula is now... The Kindred Feminine
this has been a long time coming! The kindred feminine has been pouring out of me for months, and I am so excited for finally share it with you. my business name was birthed after months and months of prayer, and seeking.
Changes are coming…
Friends, I am so excited for the next few months. Tamara The Birth Doula is changing in some really distinct ways. This change is good. It is so powerful, and personally, these changes have been a long time coming. I feel so invigorated by the evolution of my business, but you know what, there are a couple of really important ways my business won’t change at all.
What does that mean?
New York’s Reproductive Health Act and A Charge Towards Grace
My heart - my intention - for writing this comes down to two hopes: 1. I hope to clarify some of the misinformation on the internet about the RHA, and the women who choose late-term abortion, and in doing so, 2. I hope to push you into a practice of grace for those women around you, statistically 1 in 4 women will have had an abortion by the age of 45, who may be faced with this awful choice. As an evangelical Christian, albeit a pretty progressive and liberal one, I believe that Christ is consistently moving me towards grace. Grace, and kindness, and love for the people around me.
Life Updates, A Birth Hiatus and a Discount on Placenta Services
This hiatus wasn’t intentional… But I have REALLY missed mothers. I have really missed babies. I have missed the connection of women. And so, I am hoping to connect with some of you beautiful women in your postpartum time. Which is where the discounts come in!
Brittany's Story | Part 2 | Breastfeeding
I am so grateful when friends allow me to share their stories on my website. This is part two of my soul friend Brittany's story. She shares her journey of breastfeeding her baby through chapped nipples and tongue and lip tie revisions, setting breastfeeding goals, and giving of herself in ways she never thought she could.